Orban Blocks EU Aid To Ukraine, US Divided On Funding Zelensky’s War, Is The Math In Putin’s Favour?

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Hungary, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, recently blocked the EU from approving financial aid for Ukraine, despite EU leaders agreeing to open accession talks. Orban, a close ally of Putin, insists that extending aid to Ukraine should wait until after the upcoming Europe-wide elections scheduled for the summer. The intricacies of Hungary’s opposition gain significance against the backdrop of a shifting political landscape in Europe, marked by the rise of far-right parties. This also comes on the back of a largely unsuccessful visit by Zelensky to the US where he failed to convince Washington lawmakers to fund Ukraine’s war chest. On Crux Decode, Zakka Jacob asks, How will Hungary’s opposition to Ukraine aid impact Russia’s war? And with the US funding tap drying up, can the EU step up and take a stand for Ukraine to fund its war effort?

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