Iran Kills Jaish Al-Adl Commander In Pakistan | UN Sanctions To Disrupt Islamabad-Tehran Gas Deal?

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Iran’s military said its forces killed senior Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice) militant group commander Ismail Shahbakhsh in Pakistan. Iran’s state-run media Iran International reported that Tehran’s troops also eliminated several of Shahbakhsh’s associates. Shahbaksh and his loyalists were killed in a complicated intelligence and military operation conducted by Iranian forces, the Tehran Times reported. According to the Tehran Times, Shahbaksh was the main culprit for the recent terrorist attacks in southeastern Iran. Jaish al-Adl, designated as a “terrorist” organisation by Iran, is a Sunni extremist group operating in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan. The attack by Iranian forces in Pakistani territory indicates a setback in diplomatic efforts. Watch this video to know more.

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