Putin Asks Russians To “Stop drinking, Start Skiing”

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Russian President Vladimir Putin praised the country’s economy and set an outlook for achievements in his annual address to both the country’s houses of parliament and top officials.“Last year, the Russian economy grew at a rate higher than the world’s,” Putin said.”In terms of this indicator, we are ahead not only of the leading countries of the European Union but also of all the states of the so-called G7,” he added.Putin said, however, that poverty was still an acute problem in the country, directly affecting more than 9 per cent of the Russian population, with this figure rising to 30 per cent among large families.”We must set clear goals and move in towards their fulfilment, to achieve by 2030, the decrease in the level of poverty in Russia to under seven per cent, and for large families, a shrinking of more than half, at least until 12 per cent,” the Russian leader added.Putin also argued that Russian businesses should operate within Russian jurisdiction and not be allowed to send funds abroad “where, as it turns out, everything can be lost.””Resources need to be invested in Russia, in its regions, into the development of companies, in preparing workforces. The most reliable protection of assets and capital of Russian business, our strong sovereign country.”

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